Custom Search

Monday, August 4, 2008

Google search

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Career Option to survival

Through out my life, I always want to be something good and someone to whom everyone comes politely and in well manners. This is what everyone wants to be.......... I guess! But choosing a right carrier path and right way is not so easy. Our parents might try to guide us with correct and appropriate way but its our warm blood and desperation, that we don't follow them. Even if we follow them then sooner or later we feel dissatisfaction with what we have achieved or done.

Now lets come to the point. Here I take myself as an example and yet, I don't know the things I'm doing so far is correct way or not. I'm doing what I feel doing but I never see my future, the only thing I see is uncertainty and dissatisfaction. Now, here comes one more turn, self-respect and satisfaction. Yes I do understand both of these terms and their importance in one's life and I do use them in my own life too. But the real question is 'Am I trying to be super hero or am I trying too much that I'll never ever get in my whole life?' There is no answer for these question with me and I'm still searching for the clues towards the answers.

This developments in technology and advancement towards modern world has such impacts to many people alive ( I mean alive........ not dead people living in this world). But my big question is WHY THIS UNCERTAINTY AND DISSATISFACTION. Is it a global happening to most of the youths or just me. If its only me then I could have some answers from you folks so that I can still utilize my half of the life. May be that will help someone else who is seeking for some clues towards better life.

For me there should be no such things as poverty, hunger and discrimination and these are what we are facing in this world. Aren't we all living in the same world and born in the same place. Is there anyone who has came down to earth from Mars to live in here or is there anyone who born with million dollar check in his hand...................

Folks now I don't know where I'm heading to. So its better end up seeking some comments from you all to help me or some other people facing similar problem in this globe.